So what does he do? "I'm tired, let's go," basically. It'll take literally a minute or two to kill the remaining sleeping larva after he kills just one. This alien good guy travelled all through space to do a half-assed job, did he? Well, that's what he's doing. The Ugly: -Several story problems-for one: There are several evil alien larva sitting unprotected which are just not killed-they're deliberately ignored or the search for them is just done immensely poorly. Mostly walking around talking like an idiot. The evil alien spends very little time doing anything. The legs barely move! -Insipid love story. We have a six-legged alien "thing" that we get to see moving around and what does it look like? A shaved, partially mutilated dead rat in rigor mortis. Sure, the alien is shown more, but for f*ck sakes! The special effects should have improved in quality! They still feel like they're mid-80's puppets, here. The Bad: -Very little chemistry between our heroes. Extensive yammering which attempts to explain every little detail about the aliens. Didn't Hurt It, Didn't Help: -The acting is nothing special, but it doesn't hurt the film too badly. Slightly better atmosphere than Hidden 1. Here's the breakdown: The Good: -Well, more shots of the alien and gore than the first film. Much like the heroes-who are completely forgettable while they forge an awkward love affair and make repeatedly poor decisions hunting the "evil" aliens. I say almost because the alien spends most of his time screwing around accomplishing nothing. Well, eventually, someone is infested again and the reign of violence almost starts again. This film follows a "chunk" of the original bad-ass alien as it infests a dog, then spawns several other tiny evil alien, um, larva. The Hidden II, Science Fiction Horror The Hidden 2 picks up right where the first left off-and quickly disintegrates into a much worse movie.