Smashing four gem farming
Smashing four gem farming


As you can see, Geralt of Rivia is seriously considering the benefits of these two skills for his next hunt. Charger grants the focus skill which increases the fill/charge rate for weapons with gauges/charge attacks. This mixed deco is sure to please pairing up two good quality of life skills together in one jewel. Reach Max Level Attack Boost Lv7 Easier.This pretty much means they don’t really exist but if you do find one, break open your finest bottle of Mountain Dew and get down. The Attack Jewel +4 is the rarest gem in the game settling in Monster Hunter: World as a rarity 12 Sealed Feystone with a 0.267% chance of actually finding one in its respective drop locations. When all else fails just get your attack up and start smashing skulls like the best button masher ever could. Gives One Skill Point to Two Different Skills.What’s Good About Critical/Protection Jewel:


Mixed decos came with the brilliant Iceborne expansion and they are so mysterious and wonderful, full of all the joy of a four year old child playing in the mud yet suitable for any anime RPG pleasure seeking adult junkee alike. MIXED DECOS!!! Ok why are we yelling again? So take two skills and put them together to form one jewel and what do you get? Say it with me now boys and girls.

  • Mantle Are So Pretty When You Wear Them.
  • It grants Tool Specialist which reduces the recharge time for specialized tools (mantles). Put your measuring stick down, or tooth pick, whatever you use to measure your teenie weenie and pick up the Maintenance Jewel. Why make your life unnecessarily harder when there are skills like divine blessing, fortify, tool specialist and health boost to bring you the sweet comfort you most definitely deserve? There is no other reason other than toxic narcissism, unhealthy peer domination, sadism and little dick syndrome. Overall I think quality of life skills is what really makes Monster Hunter: World such a long term playable game, unless you’re a meta snob stuck on one way of playing of course.

    smashing four gem farming

    So tack up those Divine Blessing skill points with the Protection Jewel 1 which grants one point.

    smashing four gem farming

    But with a potential skill cap of 5, maxing out this skill will damn near proc every time you are attacked. Much like living inside an actual plastic bubble to protect yourself from covid19, Divine Blessing has a chance to reduce the damage you take from attacks. 97% Glowing, 2.34% Worn and 2.34% Warped Feystone Drop Rates Beefing up your quality of life defense skills by raising your max Health level with the Vitality Jewel is one way to prevent carting from happening…or happening less anyway.

    smashing four gem farming

    And by that I mean no matter how solid your build is, no matter what catlike reflexes you have and no matter how well you know your attack combos, those sons of female turtles always figure out a way to catch you when you’re not looking and shamefully send you back to camp. It’s no secret in Monster Hunter: World that you will cart often.


    In the How to Get sections the gem types are hyperlinked with necessary locations/monsters info to get each decoration. Whelp since it takes college level math and reasonable doses of adderall to fully understand all the intricate gaming mechanics of Monster Hunter: World, might as well start with this little MHW readers digest to get those RPG numbers game juices flowing. What’s that you say Penguin my adorable palico? With the right jewels we will be able to take on any drooling, seething, raging and kingdom thrashing with a hint of terror inducing idiot monster? I really like the way you think.

    Smashing four gem farming